Place text into your image and create amazing logo.
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You can change the font, color and size of your text, align it, add a shadow, and fill it with a texture, interactively.

Step 1

Create a new image with a size of 600 x 300 pixels. Then, click the Text tool.

Step 2

In the Text Parameters dialog box, you can enter the text and adjust the font settings.

Step 3

In the Text Parameters dialog box, select the Shadow tab and adjust the shadow parameters.

Step 4

In the Text Parameters dialog box, select the Texture tab and set the texture effect.

Step 5

The result of the text setting.

Step 6

Now, in the Image menu, click the Free Transform tool.

Step 7

Then, you can adjust the transformation parameters.

Step 8

Another deformation tool. In the Effects menu, click the Image Warping tool.

Step 9

Then, you can adjust the transformation parameters and make deformation very easily.

The result of the mesh deformations.


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